Reply to post: Re: Nothing new...

Having AI assistants ruling our future lives? That's so sad. Alexa play Despacito

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Nothing new...

"The risks of them being caught are pretty much 100% (traffic analysis, insider leaks)"

Nope, it's more like 0%.

Everything it sends is encrypted and you can bet there's only handful of people in Amazon who knows exactly what is sent/received. And they won't talk because of NDAs.

So the argument about "trust" is basically null and void: There's literally nothing at all which would justify trusting Amazon.

"It's just a toy, pure and simple."

It's not pure or simple at all: Alexa records and sends everything spoken to Amazon "for analysis" and you can bet that data is sold immediately to advertises.

Too many "coincidences" happening for that not being a proven fact and Amazon claiming it doesn't happen (without opening any of the traffic of course) is just BS: They lie anything to keep the revenue got from selling that data.

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