Reply to post: Re: Or they can do some virtue signalling on the interwebs

Googlers to flood social media with tales of harassment in bid to end forced arbitration

Charlie Clark Silver badge

Re: Or they can do some virtue signalling on the interwebs

Maybe you could clarify the difference between "virtue signalling" and "stating your opinion"?

I would define virtue signalling more as adopting a particular moral or political position for the sake of it rather than expressing an opinion or making an argument. The classic used to be "but won't someone think of the children?" but more politics and the interwebs have conspired to give us a set of binary, tribal positions to adopt: patriotic or internationalist; conservative or progressive, etc.

The problems with virtue signalling as I see it, are, it favours the echo chamber over engagement and is often at best patronising. For many upvoting something, repeating a sentiment is enough though any student of political history will show that this is not how change is brought.

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