Reply to post: Re: "Statistically, it is insignificant, given the population size..."

Attention all British .eu owners: Buy dotcom domains and prepare to sue, says UK govt

Roland6 Silver badge

Re: "Statistically, it is insignificant, given the population size..."

>you need to back it up with actual statistical analysis

I gave you a pointer and left the leg work to you; admittedly in the full knowledge that ardent Brexiteers don't do leg work :)

>otherwise it is just another way of whining it did not go your way.

You assume too much; given the nature of the beast, my opinion has been from the outset: the root cause of the Uk's perceived problems with the EU are to be found in Westminster (something N.Farage and I agree on) and the best way to leave (the EU) is to remain. Current events in Westminster only serve to reinforce that viewpoint...

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