Reply to post: Re: "Democracy depends on politicians being able to keep their promises to the people"

Hubble 'scope camera breaks down amid US govt shutdown, forcing boffins to fix it for free

Tigra 07

Re: "Democracy depends on politicians being able to keep their promises to the people"

"True democracies have this sharing of powers exactly to avoid nuts like Trump could do much arm unrestricted"

I don't know if you've been paying attention, but starting wars in the Middle East with no say from the public is certainly more damaging than buillding a wall - with the approval of the voters. Especially when he's asking for $5 billion for the wall, versus the $1 Trillion cost of just the Iraq war, which fucked up multiple surrounding countries.

At least Trump wants to keep US soldiers in the US. If Killary was elected there'd likely be a war with another Middle Eastern country to deal with now.

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