Reply to post: dubious "fix" for QueryWorkingSetEx

New side-channel leak: Boffins bash operating system page caches until they spill secrets

Michael Wojcik Silver badge

dubious "fix" for QueryWorkingSetEx

The fix requires the PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION flag for QueryWorkingSetEx instead of PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION, so less privileged processes cannot directly access page cache information.

This approach - requiring higher privileges for an existing function - has limited merit. Applications which rely on the function (here QueryWorkingSetEx) will either lose functionality, or more likely will be changed to run with higher privilege; so vulnerabilities in those applications become more dangerous.

The Windows security model is already flawed with respect to a number of query operations. For example, excess privilege is needed to query whether a known process is still running - a common requirement, and not one that should require special privilege. The benefit of removing that side channel is dwarfed by the privilege leak.

PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION was introduced in Vista / Server 2008 (if memory serves) specifically to improve privilege granularity, following the principle of least privilege. This change reduces its usefulness.

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