Reply to post: Re: Alternate theory

Dark matter's such a pushover: Baby stars can shove weird stuff around dwarf galaxies

Alan Johnson

Re: Alternate theory

Yes I hate the terms dark matter and dark energy because they are explanations for apparent conflicts between observations and current physical theories. At the bottom they are anomolies in the dynamics of very large objects dark matter is simply an incomplete hypothesis as to the origin of one of the anomalies.

I find the idea that there is a something which is simultaneously cold and collisionless and can be kinetically 'heated up' and moved around". seems to be stretching plausibility quite apart from the absence of any direct observations of any dark matter. Maybe you can tune a model so it is sufficently weakly interacting to be cold and collisionless but still interacts enough to allow it to heat up and be moved around but it seems awkward and implausible to me but I am not at all qualified to comment. If I was in the field I would be seeking some model which explained both phenomena as it seems quiet a coincidence to have two different types of anomaly in the dynamics large scale objects.

However calling these things dark matter and dark energy is misleading. Something is missing or wrong in our physics but we have no assurance that it is dark energy or dark matter.

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