Reply to post: Re: The real solution

Detailed: How Russian government's Fancy Bear UEFI rootkit sneaks onto Windows PCs


Re: The real solution

@Cynic_999, I recall "fondly" doing just that with a shitload of Psion II mempaks.

What is needed is control of the physical WE pin on the flash. Just bring it out to a header and leave the link off and pull the bugger low with a 4k7 if the 0.005p of fitting a pin-link is prohibitive. Those two pins in between the speaker header which are always there but never used would do nicely with the advantage that on most mobos, there's already a logic 1 source available at that location for the positive side of the speaker. Pull speaker connector, bung pin-link on, boot to FreeDOS, Bob's your shouty uncle.

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