Reply to post: There is no mass, their model is wrong

Forget 2019's tech biz takeovers, here's the mega-merger everyone's talking about: Milky Way and LMC, coming soon

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

There is no mass, their model is wrong

"Researchers in Durham, England, and Helsinki, Finland, used the Evolution and Assembly of GaLaxies and their Environments (EAGLE) simulator, which can recreate the movements of 10,000 galaxies at a time, to show a cosmic crash with the LMC is coming much sooner than expected."

No they can't, their model is wrong.

There is no mass

There is a resonant electric field in matter:

1. You already know there is a resonant electric field, you've seen the effects in the oscillations and jiggle of electrons and protons.

2. You already know there is an electric force, it's well understood. Those jiggles must either *cause* or be the-result-of such a field.

3. And you can quickly accept resonance with a simple thought experiment: If matter X oscillates at frequency F1, and matter Y oscillates at frequency F2, and two ARE CONNECTED BY ELECTRIC FORCE, then how can they NOT even out those frequencies? How would you prevent that energy from being transferred via that force to *stop* it settling to a resonant value?? So there is a resonant electric field.

Velocity must be spin

4. Suppose this resonant oscillation is up down, for ease of visualizing it. Matter is resonant over this field.

5. If you pushed 5% of that resonant oscillation into the X axis, so that its now rotating +ve X -ve X together with the up down oscillation. The oscillation now turns an extra 5% for each oscillation.

6. To stay in the matching place on the resonant field, it has to move 5% of the wavelength along the X axis.

7. So its velocity is 5% of the wavelength of the resonant oscillation (= W/20).

8. So Velocity runs from 0 to 1 Wavelength per oscillation

9. Since this is the maximum velocity the speed of light is 1W per oscillation of matter. This is where the speed of light comes from.

There is no mass

10. As long matter moves at W/20 velocity, it does no work, it gains or loses no energy.

11. Which means momentum is conservation of energy in the spin

12. Which means momentum is not a function of mass

13. So mass cannot exist

Electric Force propagates infinitely fast.

14. Electric force (causes) resonant oscillation (causes) speed of light.

15. So if the cause chain is in that order, electric force cannot depend on the speed of light to propagate.

Effects of Electric Force *do* propagate at speed of light

16. Electric force distorts the field for the oscillation

17. The oscillation happens, moving the charged particles over the new field, to their new location

18. To pass the effect on, the oscillation must happen, so the *effects* must propagate at speed of light/speed of oscillation.

19. So this is where the magic linkage between force and speed of light happens.

Light is Matter is Light

20. If matter can make light, then light is contained in matter. Not just the energy, the oscillation electric particles must also be from matter.

21. If all of matter can be converted to light, then all of matter is made from those same electric particles that make up light. Nothing more.

22. So there is only 2 fundamental particle, massless one +ve and one -ve.

Velocity of light varies with wavelength

23. If light is moving over the electric resonant field at near C (it cannot move at C, moving a whole wavelength puts it on the same place in the wave as standing still). Then where does its apparent wavelength come from?

24. When two oscillations overlap, the apparent wavelength observed is the sum and difference of the two oscillations.

25. Since the Electro Magnetic Wave must be travelling less than C (see 23), there must be a difference, so there must be a suma and difference.

26. My current estimate for resonant F, and W is W ~ 0.875*10^-15 metres. Making F ~ 3.4x10^23 Hz for this universe.

27. Which makes Gamma rays, 1x10^20hz ~ 99.99% W per Spin, and light at 10^15hz is ~99.9999999% W per spin. Gamma rays should be slower in a vacuum than light.

Matter is > 1.7x10^23 hz.

28. At EM Wave frequency F/2, velocity is C/2.

29. So if you slow light until it's below C/2, its wavelength will be above F/2 and it will be absorbed.

30. Since light is an electric oscillation, it will distort the oscillation resonant field, causing jiggles.

31. Jiggles are heat. This is how light is absorbed by matter and turns into heat.

Time is spins

32. Since every chemical reaction relates to the propagation of forces, and speed of light, it follows that any perception of time is connected to F.... the resonant frequency.

33. Say hello to time.

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