Reply to post: Re: Netflix no more

It's 2019, the year Blade Runner takes place: I can has flying cars?

Danny 2

Re: Netflix no more

Hiya Dan 55, one of my favourite Dan's here, I take it a Tom Waits reference.

And hiya Is It Me. Don't know you, pleased to meet you. I'll address your question directly.

Should they have pulled out of the territory all together?

No. They should have ignored it. The KSA is murderous bunch of wank that should be ignored. If those moronic losers don't like a Netflix satirical comedy then they should stop watching it. To kow tow to a despicable regime just makes you compliant. When anyone threatens you to curtail your freedom of speech then the only correct response begins with "Eff" and ends with you.

I was banned from The Intercept a few months ago for calling a far right troll there a "soapy tit wank". I was being polite, using a Viz insult. On the same day I got my silver badge here. I love this place, I loathe all the so called 'free speech' forums that heavily 'moderate'.

I am the only member of my college never to have worked for an arms manufacturer. I was offered such jobs often. Eff that for a game of soldiers.

So in my teens one of my Ferranti classmates started evangelising Christianity to us, and I pointed out he wasn't a Christian because he built weapons. He had an epiphany and said he'd quit the next day. I had to persuade him to get a new job before he quit because we were in a recession.

I was a peace protestor for four years. Too many stories to bore you with. Anyone with a finger in the KSA merits losing that digit.

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