Reply to post: Re: Look out

Your mates vape. Your boss quit smoking. You promised to quit in 2019. But how will Big Tobacco give it up?

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Look out

"Smoking where you eat in public is generally not acceptable"

Nor is farting. Mine clear rooms. So I don't do them in enclosed spaces or where people are eating. A well ventilated public bathroom is adequate. Except when at home [in which case I'll lift one leg and lean, and laugh afterwards, or maybe poot out 'shave and a haircut' for laughs].

So yeah. So maybe vapes can have an obnoxious smell, like some perfumes, and bad intestinal gas, and your neighbor's dog when he doesn't clean the crap up for a while. But there are no known lingering aftereffects that I'm aware of...

[minor irritations are everywhere]

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