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Mark Zuckerberg did everything in his power to avoid Facebook becoming the next MySpace – but forgot one crucial detail…

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

"“The President of the United States lies with impunity “... WTF does that mean???"

It's an English phrase which means he lies pretty much all the time and doesn't care.

We do have our own problems, we have our own right-wing, lying nut-jobs to deal with, but fortunately, we never made any of them our leader. But, even if we did, we Brits have the right to be able to speak about our leader as we want, especially if they were lying asshats, like the US president.

Being the leader of a country does not automagically make one good, right or honest, those principles come from the people themselves, Trumpy McFartface is none of those, and would be treated with the same disrespect by the British even if he was our leader, in fact, especially if he was our leader.

Don't think this is America bashing, this is just lying bastard bashing. There is a difference, although it may not seem like it.

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