Reply to post: Re: Brittle software?

Is Google purposefully breaking Microsoft, Apple browsers on its websites? Some insiders are confident it is

Dave Bell

Re: Brittle software?

Opera runs on the Chromium engine now. So their website says, anyway, but some sources seem to use different names for the same thing.

Opera has some nice features, but I am very careful about backing up before I do a version upgrade, there have been some odd glitches.

Chrome/Chromium is appearing in a lot of places. One program I use manages to open three copies of a library called "Dullahan", just when you start it. For sundry other reasons, I am a bit wary. Security is as much a state of mind as a set of tools, and the best locks in the world are useless if you don't lock them.

I am still trying to figure out why an empty <div> is such a killer. The descriptions I have seen suggest something close to self-modifying code, and that feels rather scary. Some other Javascript doing something to put something unpredictable in that <div> block? Colour me red and run me up a flagpole, but that sounds like a pretty bad security risk. At best, it's like having to download those auto-playing advertising videos.

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