Reply to post: I'm not so sure about that "doesn't work that well"

Taylor's gonna spy, spy, spy, spy, spy... fans can't shake cam off, shake cam off

martinusher Silver badge

I'm not so sure about that "doesn't work that well"

The point about facial recognition software is that it really doesn't need to work that well, just as well or better than a human. Even so, I think it works a whole lot better than people think but its effectiveness is downplayed to avoid spooking the public. My evidence for this is where I'm likely to come across it. For example, when I go through Los Angeles International Airport as a US citizen I won't normally interact with a human except to take the printed entry ticked I got from the automated entry booth. When I travel across the US near the Mexican border I go through checkpoints that don't require you to stop but will have cameras to check who's in the car (you see the same technology at the land border crossing in lanes used by regular travelers). Then there are the developments in Russia and China -- Russia, matching generic CCTV images with images on social media, China there's systems to identify wanted people that can pick them out of a crowd.

The only part of this story that doesn't add up is checking for so-called stalkers. I wonder what they're really looking for?

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