Reply to post: Re: good margin

Here's 2018 in a nutshell for you... Russian super robot turns out to be man in robot suit

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: good margin

"PR allowed the Nazi party to gain a toe hold in Government, the rest is history!"

The PR system then had a weakness that allowed very small parties to get a toe-hold - modern PR avoids that. The Nazi party was actually quite successful in elections at a time when there was violent conflict between extreme right and left groups in society - but its share of the votes was starting to decline. People caught in the middle, and business leaders, wanted stability.

The big mistake was that politicians and business leaders thought that they could control the almost civil war situation by inviting the Nazis to join the government. In the meantime they had already passed an "Enabling Act" - only to be activated if the civil disturbances became worse and quick drastic action would be needed.

When they gave Hitler the role of Chancellor they lost control of the situation. He activated the "Enabling Act" that then allowed him to rule by decree. From then on all branches of the government were purged and filled with Nazi appointees - especially the judiciary so that anything could be interpreted as legal.

That precedent is what worried a lot of observers when the GOP supported Trump no matter how much they had to hold their noses.

Poland's right-wing governing party have tried to bias the judiciary in the same way - except the EU has ruled it not permissible.

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