Reply to post: Re: Well, if they don't think it's fair...

Poor people should get slower internet speeds, American ISPs tell FCC

Geoffrey W

Re: Well, if they don't think it's fair...

RE: "municipal broadband "

Everybody up sticks and move to Charlemont, Mass. The people there just voted to reject Comcast's offer to build broadband infrastructure (for a price), and to go for Municipal broadband instead.

And it won't be the only Municipal broadband in the country, despite the FCC's opposition and the ISP's lobbying.

Charlemont residents have, apparently, worked for years to get to this result. It can be hard work but it's not impossible, despite idiot libertarians squealing about "It's Communism!"


Pay attention to the fact Comcast promised to allow the town to pay them, Comcast, to install the infrastructure that would then allow them, Comcast, to profit by charging for access to it.

They also promised to provide access to "Up To 95%" of the towns inhabitants; Please note that "10%" is "Up To 95%".

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