Reply to post: Re: One of the things Carmack will pay for at the perly gates

Doom: The FPS that wowed players, gummed up servers, and enraged admins

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: One of the things Carmack will pay for at the perly gates

TBF: AI is basically rubbish.

All the machine learning stuff now is various classifiers, or curve fitting in a pipeline (so called deep learning).

He wrote what was needed to make the game fun, I suspect that had you applied the current approach to ML/AI to doom era gaming, you'd not have ended up with a playable game.

A good read is Mike Abrash's black book of graphics programming and the work needed to wring performance out of the VGA hardware show you how few cycles they had to spare.

He did a great job and earned his place in the history of our industry.

RE: Porn - Porn with a storyline worth a damn is not Porn, it's "erotic fiction".

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