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Doom: The FPS that wowed players, gummed up servers, and enraged admins

Peter2 Silver badge

Doom? Half the computers couldn't play it, and needed those newfangled network cards and a decent network.

Scorched Earth was where all the action was at. 10 players on the same computer negating the network problems, all aiming their tanks and then tossing badly aimed ordnance around only to miss as the wind altered slightly, and then giving up and blowing away the land under the opposing tank, hitting the ground above with napalm or earth, or just tossing the dangerously unpredictable funky bombs into the general area.

When upgrading with heavy shields and parachutes I have vague recollections of ending up with games where there was literally no earth left after a few minutes with everybody sitting on the ground on the same level. Which was dangerous as it was then a bit hard to miss...

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