Reply to post: don't use virtualization or hyperthreading

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don't use virtualization or hyperthreading


As a lot of you may be, I'm growing a bit tired of the dirty hacks pulled by chip vendors to make their stuff appear faster than it really is. Moore's law has lived, let it rest. Until we get really novel and interesting technologies working, the real improvement margin lies in getting back to elegant and optimized code, as opposed to the mad dash for ever-more lazy hacks-on-hacks layers that we are seeing today. As a rugby coach may say, "back to basics, team". Clean up your code, focus on efficiency, stop relying on hardware improvements to compensate for your sloppy code.

Of course I know I'm pissing reverse-windwards. Not a chance in hell that this will happen anytime soon, with the ever-increasing tendency to deliberately push buggy code -or hardware- into production as fast as possible. When "fail fast, recover faster" is an acceptable industry motto, you know you're screwed.

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