Reply to post: Re: Canadians as puppets

Huawei CFO poutine cuffs by Canadian cops after allegedly busting sanctions on Iran


Re: Canadians as puppets

The whole anti-Huawei campaign seems to be commercially motivated

Evidence for this is twofold. One is the clear and obvious financial motive to do so. If you can use your government to shut down your opposition, you do. ("You" in this case being a giant corporation).

Secondly, if they had examples of Huawai equipment containing backdoors, etc. then the simplest thing by far would be to publish them. Yet we've only heard people SAY "you can't trust them", never shown. Now to some extent there's an issue of protecting your sources but once you know something, retroactive proof by other methods is trivial. The fact that we haven't heard anything specific is damning.

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