Reply to post: Re: Script deleting HR accounts

Sysadmin’s plan to manage system config changes backfires spectacularly


Re: Script deleting HR accounts

That's just stupid having a script delete accounts in automated fashion.

Er, if you've got a few dozen users perhaps. When you're doing dozens/hundreds of account expiry/deletion operations a day, you do not want someone having to go through all that by hand.

It's silly if you've only got a relatively small user base as well, because you are wasting a LOT of time doing stuff manually. You're actually more likely to introduce errors by hand than doing it using a robust automated process.

What you should do is in ensure the process/checks prior to your automated part is robust, with some contingency in case of manual error. For example, for us, a contractor termination date must be entered into the HR system first. If HR has it wrong, we are not accountable for their mistake.... but we have baked in a 30 day interval where an account is only disabled on that termination date, prior to deletion.

Then you carefully TEST your scripts (in a non-production environment first, and then in production, scoped to a specific user set) and make sure that you have subroutines to catch exceptions and flag errors. And good backups. And as others have said, peer review.

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