Reply to post: "a lesson on the consequences of too much dependence on the cloud"

OneDrive is broken: Microsoft's cloudy storage drops from the sky for EU users

Pascal Monett Silver badge

"a lesson on the consequences of too much dependence on the cloud"

Wrong. Those consequences have been repeatedly and frequently exposed, so that there is no one that works anywhere near IT who can claim that he didn't have a clue.

What this is compares much better to a lesson in sheep herding, with major CEOs and "decision-makers" being the sheep, herded to this position bleating gleefully about how much money would be saved (and counting their additional bonuses on the way).

Well, people, you can now take out your calculators and count the money lost, per hour, for all your employees who cannot do their jobs. You should at least return your bonuses in a token gesture to offset the cost of such short-sightedness.

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