Reply to post: Re: everything YAML-fied? [just, no]

Behold, the world's most popular programming language – and it is...wait, er, YAML?!?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: everything YAML-fied? [just, no]

> *NOT* using it, adopting it, or even making it an option. I don't like JSON either. XML is tolerable

In other words, XML is the only one you are more or less familiar with.

I get that. I had the same reticence when a FOSS project I was working on moved its over-the-wire serialisation to something called JSON back in the day when everyone, myself included, were drooling over XML which, to be fair, was itself a significant improvement over the previous state of affairs. Anyway, I wasn't happy about it, especially since the JSON parser itself had to be written from scratch (in C, without malloc). I was so glad that we didn't take the easy route of going with what we liked when I saw the results. Today the protocol is orders of magnitude more expressive but it's still using the same parser and serialiser and remains, as far as I am aware, fully backwards compatible.

Horses for courses, even if it means getting out of your comfort zone.

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