Reply to post: Re: Had it the other way around...

Microsoft sysadmin hired for fake NetWare skills keeps job despite twitchy trigger finger


Re: Had it the other way around...

With no Netware experience I was sent to a certain nuclear plant to perform Y2K checks on their servers. I explained the checks to the onsite guy who they allocated to babysit me until my security clearance came through and he showed me how to do them on the Netware servers which were labelled up primary, secondary and tertiary. Secondary and tertiary were critical but wouldn't cause a big stink if they failed - primary would result in a meltdown. Dec 31st 1999 I was searching for iodine pills and planning a route to a remote mine in Wales just in case.

Every single test I did (and there were hundreds) resulted in the same set of data. To save myself time I copied the first set and pasted them one for each server - only problem was there was a spelling mistake on one of the tests and they noticed it repeated for every platform I tested. It was a hard slog trying to convince them I'd actually done the tests and had to produce my original hand written results in full before they would believe me.

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