Reply to post: Re: Maybe I've just been really lucky, but...

Virgin Media customers complain of outages across UK

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Re: Maybe I've just been really lucky, but...

While I had about 98% uptime/internet connection with Virgin over many years, 50% of the time it had packetloss, horrible jitter and slow speeds.

99% uptime sounds good but when you can't game or stream things due to congestion on the line and all the related problems, the uptime stat becomes a bit meaningless. Give me 95% uptime and a clean non-congested connection over a 99% uptime congested all over the place shit one.

After so many years of fibre problems, Virgin couldn't pay me to go with them now. Every FTTC service I have had since has been flawless. The network topology virgin uses, DOCSIS, was just bad for congestion but they can probably hide the flaws better with the higher speeds and more stream connections they use now.

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