Reply to post: Re: They are Russian

Russia: We did not hack the US Democrats. But if we did, we're immune from prosecution... lmao

Voland's right hand Silver badge

Re: They are Russian

They still rationalize being a Hitler ally at the start of WWII and jointly invading Poland with the Nazis blitzkrieg in order to protect Mother Russia from Polands fierce horse calvary

Funnily enough you are not far away from the truth.

The first "Non-Aggression Pact" signed by Hitler was with Marshall Pilsudski specifically cheered by the British Government at the time so that Poland can concentrate more on gearing towards the "inevitable war with USSR". Yeah, I know, the current situation ins a deja vu all around.

Dunno about Cavalry, but some of the first batches of Hurricanes to come off the production line went to Poland. Similarly, Poland had other weapons like destroyers in the Grom class which were top of the range worldwide.

The "brave cavalry" charge picture being drawn by history book is taking one picture of an idiot commander doing something idiotic and applying it to whole of their army which was not the case. Sure they did things which no sane British commander would have done like engaging Bismark in an artillery firefight with a destroyer. They were not, however the clown force painted by some people - they spent 15+ years constantly preparing for a war with USSR.

If you think it is suicidal think again - one of Russia national holidays is INDEPENDENCE FROM POLAND.

As far as the lawsuit and response, does the Russian argument have merit or not is irrelevant. What we have at present is WAR. Not even cold - it is "luke-warm a few notches from going hot". Economical, electronical, digital, you name it. Even at the height of the cold war the Warsaw pact did not actively interfere with NATO communications and GPS. Russia does so now - the bitching by Norway and Finland about them doing it during the recent NATO exercise is all over the press.

So Russia will lose in court when the DNC case will be heard regardless of it having basis, merit or FSIA being applicable. Not that the other way around would be any different either. It is the way it works during war - the Enemy is always wrong.

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