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Western Digital: And when I pull the covers off, behold as NAND becomes virtual DRAM

Lee D Silver badge

Ah, the old "let's run a swap-file on a RAMDisk" trick of old.

Honestly the two technologies really need to just merge so that you're "reserving" a space for the swap-file is really just "use the first 16Gb of the storage for main RAM" on a device where you can treat everything equally.

We need to just replace "RAM" and "disk" with "memory" and use it for everything.

Wanna run a server? Run several chips of memory in a RAID and thus have them verify each other (ECC, effectively).

Upgrade the disk, you upgrade the RAM. No suspend/hibernate junk. No "I ran out of RAM so I'm just going to fall over and crash". And "persistent RAM".

We need to get rid of hard disks, which will make everyone focus on SSDs and Flash, which means we could easily get their longevity / sacrificial sectors to the point where they compete with RAM, and they are already fast enough that you need a direct-bus connection to get the most out of them - and creeping their way towards RAM speeds all the time (I believe they are in the DDR2 ranges for speed already).

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