Reply to post: it really isn't your hardware

Macs to Linux fans: Stop right there, Penguinista scum, that's not macOS. Go on, git outta here


it really isn't your hardware

Previous Commentard» it really isn't your hardware

The hardware is yours. There are patents and the like to hinder the theft of intellectual property but it *is* yours. You can throw the laptop off a cliff and Apple's primary concern would be about pollution. They will hope that you buy a new Apple product as well.

Apple's line stands with usage. If you use it as intended, they will look after you, often very well. Do things that are not intended, like installing other OSs, then they won't support you and support from Apple is often a reason people buy into the Apple ecosystem. Apple see their products as tasteful appliances ("I want it to just work"). It is the Jobsian mindser and this has been standard in Apple now for quite a while. I personally prefer Woz-ian view myself but this mindset hasn't really been present in Apple since the G5 and that was over 10 years' ago.

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