Reply to post: Re: don't worry

Tata on trial: Outsourcer 'discriminated' against non-Asian workers, claim American staff

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: don't worry

WORKE|RS (and their families) from other EU countries will always be welcome, regardless of what you read in the raving imaginings of Remoaners - especially those whose rantings get published in the national newspapers.

The large number of health "tourists" who come here to get 'free' treatment on the NHS (it is NOT free, FFS, - it's paid for by us!) then go home won't be welcome, nor will the ones who come to the UK to live on benefits with no intention of ever contributing anything other than more mouths to feed and houses to provide. We have more than enough freeloaders of our own, we don't need to import more.

Most people realise that EU workers - and those from outside the EU - provide a much-needed and valuable service but it suits those who want us to remain under Brussels' control to paint us all as foreigner-hating lunatics who want to kick everybody else out of the country, so that is how we get portrayed in the media.

I've lost count of the number of times I've been told that I'm lying and that I can't really believe that simply because I voted Leave. Well guess what, we are not all the rabid racists the remoaners want to paint us as.

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