Reply to post: SQLite

'Pure technical contributions aren’t enough'.... Intel commits to code of conduct for open-source projects

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward


> Except the SQLite one, of course!

Yeah, I was looking at that one. Honestly, I am an atheist of non-Christian extraction, and the only problem I have with their code of conduct is that it is no longer their code of conduct (they grudgingly replaced it with some fluffy stuff).

And the reasons why I like their code of conduct?

1. The principles in section 2 (The Rule) are mostly universal moral truths that all human societies abide by.

2. Section 1.2 (Scope of Application) is key, and worth reproducing here in full:

« No one is required to follow The Rule, to know The Rule, or even to think that The Rule is a good idea. The Founder of SQLite believes that anyone who follows The Rule will live a happier and more productive life, but individuals are free to dispute or ignore that advice if they wish.

The founder of SQLite and all current developers have pledged to follow spirit of The Rule to the best of their ability. They view The Rule as their promise to all SQLite users of how the developers are expected to behave in community. This is a one-way promise, or covenant. In other words, the developers are saying: "We will treat you this way regardless of how you treat us." »

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