Reply to post: Re: Yep

We (may) now know the real reason for that IBM takeover. A distraction for Red Hat to axe KDE

FIA Silver badge

Re: Yep

I think the debate on the UI is more of "why did you CHANGE it into *THAT* it when I LIKED IT THE WAY IT WAS???" And THEN, make it so I CAN NOT GET THE OLD ONE ANY MORE!!!

Isn't the point of open source that you can? Or have they purged all the repositories? It may take some work but surely KDE3 source is out there somewhere?

How soon people forgot how Windows 3.0 sold Windows as a UI _BECAUSE_ it was 3D skeuomorphic as well as being intuitive, unlike Windows 1.x and 2.x before it.

Windows 3 was intuitive??? Maybe my memory is fading as I age but I'm sure I remember it was a slow bloated crashy piece of crap; populariesed only due to the then monopoly of it's creator?*

NOW everything's going BACK to Windows 1.x and 2.x because *IDIOTS* are jumping on that bandwagon with NO good reason, and TAKING! AWAY! ALTERNATIVES!!!

It's open source, stop complaining and start coding..... ;)

* Okay, they've still got a desktop monopoly but noone cares anymore because... phones... tablets.... etc etc

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