Reply to post: Re: Old Victorian building

Clunk, bang, rattle: Is that a ghost inside your machine?

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Old Victorian building

In the 1970s one of our offices was a Gothic country house surrounded by parkland. The main hall had a large staircase by a two storey window. When leaving at night you had to switch off the hall lights at the top of the staircase - then sense your way down the staircase heading for the neon glow of the downstairs switch. This was in an opposite wall - along which were projecting marble shelves with sharp corners at crotch height.

On dark nights there was some light from the moon through the big window - fractured by the waving of tree branches. If the office mousing cat decided to scamper across your path - you had the hairs on your neck going vertical.

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