Reply to post: Re: Who do you trust?

It's been a week since engineers approved a new DNS encryption standard and everyone is still yelling

Giovani Tapini

Re: Who do you trust?

i don't trust governments, not just oppressive regimes.

Frankly I am quite sure regardless of choices of encryptions and protocols the gov'mint can, or will find a way to, eavesdrop anything I do. Making the internet more complex and (I am with Vixie here) breaking the usefulness of DNS in the same of privacy is not the right approach.

Advert aggregators will start running DNS services for free so they can get DNS data regardless of encryption, this approach cannot end well. Google don't yet force you to use but if they did they have probably more visibility on what you are doing than they had before, encryption be damned.

Complete privacy on the internet, or any other shared resource is unlikely to be manageable or feasible without making the system chaotic. This is not really a good idea IMHO.

as far as I can see, although a good idea, it is fixing the right problem, in the wrong place and overselling the long term effectiveness of the change too.

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