Reply to post: Re: John C Dvorak

What can I say about this 5G elixir? Try it on steaks! Cleans nylons! It's made for the home! The office! On fruits!

Lee D Silver badge

Re: John C Dvorak

Actually, it wasn't anything to do with 5G.

He was equating 5G with millimetre wave (which is, in itself, dubious as 5G will be at least partly on "ordinary" frequencies already in use and the millimetre wave frequencies haven't even been auctioned yet). And not just a few particular frequencies but basically EVERYHING above a certain frequency.

He was then equating cellular millimeter wave with... well... some tosh about your eyeballs and skin frying. Complete lack of coherency or understanding about the difference between frequency and emitted power.

It was an incredibly dubious, incredibly unprofessional, incredibly misleading and incredibly badly-researched article (which basically tried to use the argument "nobody uses it, so we don't know what it does, so obviously it's gonna fry your brain" - despite the fact that this kind of stuff is deployed all over the world in radar systems, military applications, site-to-site wireless links, etc.) which was pulled because it was written to try to smear 5G (and ONLY 5G) with such tosh.

Honestly, though I remember the guy's name and probably read thousands of his articles in my time, reading that one really put him firmly in the "ignore everything he's ever written" category for me, it was just that bad.

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