Reply to post: Re: came home absolutely paralytic

Science: Broke brats glued to the web while silk-stocking scions have better things to do

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: came home absolutely paralytic

And as the 'Internet' never forgets, this episode could haunt that person for the rest of their lives.

They could be rewarded in the future by increased insurance premiums because of the 'possibility' of becoming an Alky, or denied jobs or financial services etc etc etc.

Back in the day (Before the Internet and all that social-media shite) an episode like this would be laughed off and you'd be told not to do it again. All part of your life experiences in growing up and quickly forgotten.

Now such episodes are broadcast to the world and will be there for posterity.

I am so glad that I don't use any Social Media shite and that I'm well past the age where having a few drunk episodes somewhere on the internet is going to bother me.

I'm sure that within a couple years we will see 10's of millions of people (sad sacks the lot of them) broadcasting their dull boring and pathetic lives 24/7 to the world just because they can.

We are doomed I tell ye, doomed!

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