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Apple boss demands Bloomberg Super Micro U-turn, Russian troll charged, NSA hands out cash, and more


"We stand by our story and are confident in our reporting and sources."

Doesn't come across as:-

"notably they are being careful not to say Cook is wrong, or that their story is true."

I think "standing by our story" can only be interpreted as a noncommittal statement if you read it by the light of an ancient oil lamp which you were rubbing vigorously.

Wishing Bloomberg away is not the same as disproving their story.

Obviously hard evidence of tampered motherboards either exists or it doesn't, and that will be the metric that this story is measured by.

If those involved are willing to let independent experts investigate their motherboards then a conclusion will be forthcoming.

If those parties make a song and dance about letting such an investigation happen, then I guess we have our answer.

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