Reply to post: Re: Basis??

Apple to dump Intel CPUs from Macs for Arm – yup, the rumor that just won't die is back

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Basis??

I think something else.

I think that Apple has three or maybe four comoputung markets.

1/. Smartphones

2/. Fondleslabs

3/. Laptops

4/. Workstation desktops.

By and large the first three are consumer grade markets, and punters will accept (it seems) trashing last years shiny thing for this years shiny thing and punters don't BUY software. They use what is there, or they effectively 'rent' from the apps store.

I suspect therefore that ARM which is already on phones, and slabs, merely has to give the slab architecture a keyboard and mouse pad and the laptop is ARM there anyway.

The real $64,000 questions is whether the workstation market is in any way a market that apple wants to stay in. Because that is where people make huge investments in third party software. All of which would need to be ported.

And there is a question of whether its worth it or whether in fact MOST of that software, which runs on windows as well, shouldn't actually dictate that the customer move there instead?

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