Reply to post: Re: Yeah

Alexa heard what you did last summer – and she knows what that was, too: AI recognizes activities from sound

Outer mongolian custard monster from outer space (honest)

Re: Yeah

"Quite, and the researchers saying 'this should all be doable locally as people don't really want to be spied on' is like saying 'Lions don't really want to hurt people' - but they have to eat, right?"

Sure, but put away your paranoia for a instant and remember this is CMU saying this, as in the people that developed CMU Sphinx, and pocket sphinx. Which today is about the best bet for a local only speech recognition system as your able to compile/build at home. For that they should be at least given a small amount of the benefit of the doubt that they were being sincere.

I should know, I've been making my own smart speaker that is local network only to control some local network only home automation devices and currently I have pocketsphinx running on a beaglebone black but have some tuning issues to overcome...

Of course amazon et all will pish all over their good priniciples and aims, but there's still a small chance to carve out out a niche for privacy respecting alternatives because of these guys/gals work.

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