Reply to post: Re: Installing Windows 7 on Sky/Kaby Lake CPUs

In Windows 10 Update land, nobody can hear you scream

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Installing Windows 7 on Sky/Kaby Lake CPUs

@AC - here's a simple breakdown of paragraph 1:

"I just don;t understand why so many people have issues with Windows 10."

1. 2D FLAT crammed up our asses (and taking away config choices)

2. 'Settings' instead of Control Panel crammed up our asses

3. 'Microsoft cloudy logon' strong-armed during install and when you add a new user

4. 'The Slurp' - monitoring everything you do, phone home to 'The Store' so it can 'suggest' things

5. the ADS (and 'The Store' in general)

6. 'Forced Updates' as in why these update COCKUPS are such a problem [updates are overrated anyway, unless it's to fix a REAL problem]

7. Reset of our configuration back to 'default' [which is FUBAR] following an update

8. Uber-slow inefficient update process overall, at Micro-shaft's convenience [not ours]

9. The general attitude that customers no longer matter

10. The general atmosphere that we have NO other choice, and something is wrong with US if we do NOT like being treated "this way"

"Especially resorting to gimping themselves with a 9+ year old outdated operating system."

'new' is not necessarily 'better'. Win-10-nic is evidence of THAT. If it's old, maybe it works REALLY REALLY well which is why we're still USING IT (instead of DOWNgrading to Win-10-nic).

"Is Windows 10 so incredibly different that your brain can;t cope with the changes?"

This is a typical pejorative 'leading question' that asserts an assumption that those who don't "get on the bandwagon" with Win-10-nic are a bunch of OLD FART, STICK-IN-THE-MUD, REFUSE-TO-CHANGE, UNABLE-TO-LEARN, STUCK-IN-THEIR-WAYS, UN-TEACHABLE LEMMINGS running off of the cliff.

The truth is, the [insert profane pejorative here] FANBOIS that promote Win-10-nic and *INSULT* those who aren't LIKE THEM (i.e. those who do not drink the Win-10-nic koolaid), are the REAL "lemmings leading the other lemmings over the cliff"...

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