Reply to post: Re: And all we can do...

Shortages, price rises, recession: Tech industry preps for hard Brexit

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Re: And all we can do...

Going in to the Referendum it was made very, VERY clear that it was a one-time vote with a binding result.

I'm sorry, but that is total tosh. When parliament voted on the enabling bill for the referendum, the preamble for the bill, which is available on Hansard, so you can check it for yourself, explicitly stated several things:

- The bill was advisory

- The bill was non-binding

- For the bill to be made non-advisory and binding would require it to be re-written to require a super-majority and to include all UK citizens of voting age (which it did not, UK nationals living abroad for more than 10 years were excluded, skewing the results quite a bit)

Just because David Cameron then stated that the result of the referendum would be acted on doesn't bind parliament in any way. The Prime Minister may be the leader of the house, but they are not the ruler of the house, and the other 650 odd MPs are elected to represent their constituencies, not their party, and certainly not the leader of the party with the most votes.

The only reason the likes of May and Corbyn insist that the results of the referendum "must be respected" is that they know that for them to say otherwise would invite a political backlash against themselves. They have only their own interests at heart, not those of the country, which should be abundantly clear to anyone who has taken even a cursory glance at any politicians ever*.

*Hyperbole aside, some politicians are worse than others, an my local MP is actually not too bad. Those that rise to the top, however, do so not because they represent the people the best, but because they are the best at rising to the top of politics, which requires an entirely different skill-set.

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