Reply to post: Re: *** Be careful *** Also new in 1809, changes to Disk Cleanup Tool,

Microsoft deletes deleterious file deletion bug from Windows 10 October 2018 Update

Frank Thynne

Re: *** Be careful *** Also new in 1809, changes to Disk Cleanup Tool,

The mistake might have been idiocy, but releasing products with zero QA is malice.

Insiders are not accountable for errors that aren't noticed or reported, so they aren't QA.

Ignoring errors that are reported is deliberate negligence, and isn't QA either.

QA is a professional exercise, and needs trained in-house staff and a departmental head, answerable to the CEO and strong enough to block product releases, even in the face of marketing and financial pressures. Nothing less will do.

It seems to me that releasing software with known deleterious defects constitutes Computer Misuse and should be prosecuted under law. In the UK this is covered by the Computer Misuse Act 1998.

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