Reply to post: Re: Not a chance

Hey you know what the smart-home world really needs right now? Yup, Google screaming in


Re: Not a chance

Ditto, voice activation means a device which is constantly listening to you. Even if the system is not designed to store that, though Google has been caught doing so, it is a prime hacking target. Remember those 'smart' but woefully insecure toy bears with a camera and microphone in kids' bedrooms?

Increasingly these tech companies seem to be taking the people on the spaceship in Wall E as an aspiration. Having to get up from my chair or walk a few steps to change the thermostat once in a blue moon is not a problem for me. I'm not in danger of being trapped under a huge dog and neither do I have an infant. How we managed to raise two children in a non centrally heated home back in the day constantly amazes me. How did we survive?

The Google App on my phone has the permission to access the microphone denied. There's a Startpage shortcut which means I NEVER deliberately touch the Google space bar. If I could remove it I would.

I have Startpage as default on my laptop and I'm running Oversight to alert me whenever the microphone or camera are on. A recent OS upgrade invited me to initiate Siri, I looked at what private information Apple wanted me to upload to their servers to enable it and decided 'not thanks'. I have been formulating search queries for decades, i can do without a misunderstanding voice assistant with an agenda to get in the way. I am pretty fluent in Boolean, is Siri?

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