Reply to post: Re: a national newspaper, which recorded the data

Remember that lost memory stick from Heathrow Airport? The terrorist's wet dream? So does the ICO


Re: a national newspaper, which recorded the data

I might be wrong, but it seems some storage devices will accept firmware updates and presumably you need to avoid those.

No, device makers need to get their act together and enforce encrypted and/or signed firmware images. You need to be able to update the firmware when flaws are found, right ?

In general, yes, if the thing could conceivably need firmware updates. For a flash drive? It's one use case where immutable may be better. There's not much you can do to attack it directly when plugged in, except possibly re-program it to attack the next computer it's plugged into. (You've got direct access to the storage anyway, so data destruction is not something you need to exploit a bug in the firmware for, and if there's a serious enough bug to cause data loss then you scrap it and get on with life.)

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