Reply to post: Re: "Facebook doesn't listen to, view, or keep the contents of your Portal video calls,"

Facebook's new always-listening home appliance kit Portal doesn't do Facebook


Re: "Facebook doesn't listen to, view, or keep the contents of your Portal video calls,"

Expected weasely words:

> "Facebook doesn't listen to,

... because 'listen' isn't the actual way we refer to computer processing and storage of even more data about you.



>or keep the contents of your Portal video calls,

Because we don't describe them as 'Portal video calls', (We do keep all the data associated with actual video calls', though, or course. And you were so dumb (*) that we fooled you, again, like the utter dumbsters (*) you are).

(*) Or 'dumbfucks,' as our glorious leader famously described you.

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