Reply to post: Re: Wonder what Louis Rossmann thinks about Apple's dick move

SAP bug beatdowns, Apple gets nasty with Mac repairs, Struts woe, and more from infosec

Dan 55 Silver badge

Re: Wonder what Louis Rossmann thinks about Apple's dick move

Violating an EULA isn't illegal, it's just violating an EULA. Apple would find it difficult to tie such a violation to a real person, and if they did would hardly go the to the extremes of taking them to a civil court due to a) bad publicity and b) the possibility of losing.

The way Apple designs their devices (glue, disposable) is unethical, it generates far more electronic waste than necessary. The way Apple makes them hard to fix by owners and third parties is also unethical.

If it turns out so many people run a Hackintosh system that it becomes a problem for them, then perhaps shows Apple they're doing something wrong. Any ethical corp would pick up on that.

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