Reply to post: Re: ME capability should be fused

Apple forgot to lock Intel Management Engine in laptops, so get patching

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: ME capability should be fused

Corporations may have been opening cases since the year dot but they don't want to do it any more. PC installation should not need to be a skilled job in 2018. What Corporations want is a low cost standard architecture PC which can be configured by booting it up connected to a configuration server then being deployed by the same guy who delivers the office furniture. The hardware will not be upgraded during its life, and these days its lifecycle is probably aligned with the next major windows release. To be honest using the current set of Microsoft management tools this is pretty much attainable now. The last few PC roll outs I managed we used very junior staff for the deployment just employing a couple of software packagers and configuration engineers to design the builds & package the relevant applications ( black art with legacy apps) and a software licensing specialist to ensure that we were remaining compliant across the 600 plus apps we have in use and getting the best value for money whilst standardising on product versions. Before the Linux and FOSS crew start berating me there are not the full set of reliable, tested and robust applications available out there for many niche applications and interopability with MS products is a requirement for most large organisations.

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