Reply to post: Re: Maths

Python lovers, here's a library that will help you master AI as a newbie

bombastic bob Silver badge

Re: Maths

"explain why their super-duper AI doesn’t want to give mortgages or jobs or whatever to" [insert special interest group here]

well, if race/sex/whatever wasn't an input parameter to your algorithm, the answer to this should be obvious. The moment your algorithm includes something that *could* be a matter of discriminatory practice, an improperly trained AI *could* make use of it in a discriminatory manner.

Otherwise, FUD.

Besides, wouldn't having a "simplistic" library, something that n00bs and kids can easily make use of, help people to understand the basics of AI and thereby avoid the FUD-trap?

[I can't believe how my original positive non-snarky post about this got 8 downvotes - probably ALL from my 'fan club' - which means its personal and unrelated to content. howler monkeys. go fig. the up/downs are meaningless - well i wear the 'downs' as a badge of honor, heh!]

Icon, because "think of the children" which is why I also mentioned RPi - when kids get this kind of AI API working with an RPi (in Python) along with whatever science project they're interested in, things could get really interesting.

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