Reply to post: Re: Australia has more draconian laws

New Zealand border cops warn travelers that without handing over electronic passwords 'You shall not pass!'

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

Re: Australia has more draconian laws

terrorists aren't pushing these laws, but they are reaping the profit of suspicion, fear, paranoia against "the other". Which is, actually, what they were hoping for, originally, to antagonize societies to make them go to "war", "our religion" v. "their religion". So yes, in that they're remarkably succesful, given how little financial resources they employ.

That said, it does pose a dilemma on "democratic" governments, in theory impossible to resolve: they couldn't just let a plane be blown out of the sky every now and then because hey, things like that happen, get on with it. They'd be out in snap elections and the new government would be voted in under the banner of holy war with terrorist menace anyway (which is what we are in now). But then, they couldn't and still can't actually stop terrorism from happening, hence the airport security spectacle, which keeps us happyish that our plane will land safely. OK, less happy about somebody blowing themselves up in the middle of a crowd waiting to go through security in the first place but hey, it's not exactly free-for-all anymore, we'll get this screening tech on the doors, and on the pavements, we will get them on our buses and the trains, we will get them in our tescos and in our beaches, we will never...

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