Reply to post: I don't recall ever NOT seeing the pump trigger lock

Attempt to clean up tech area has shocking effect on kit

Anonymous Coward
Anonymous Coward

I don't recall ever NOT seeing the pump trigger lock

Everywhere I've ever filled up in the US. I don't see how not having them is any advantage. Either you have no lock and are holding it down and the fuel flow stops when it detects the tank is full or the trigger is holding it down and the fuel flow stops when it detects the tank is full.

While I suppose the "tank is full" sensor can fail either way, the trigger is usually pretty much of a hair trigger which will let go at the slightest provocation. It would be more than a slight provocation if the fuel kept flowing and pushed the handle out of the car to the ground below. So I don't think you'd spill any more fuel with an manned trigger lock than you would with a manned handle. The difference is whether you get fuel all over you as well as the car and ground, or just on the car and ground - I know which I'd prefer!

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