Reply to post: Re: Good news

Sync your teeth into power browser Vivaldi's largest update so far


Re: Good news

In that circumstance, Vivaldi offers me nothing spectacular at all over Chrome, so it'll likely be ditched.

Main reason I have Vivaldi is because it's the only Chrome/Chromium-based browser I can run on my 32bit netbook (AspireOne) that will actually support the GoogleDocs offline caching/editing plugin. Google dropped the 32bit Linux version of GoogleChrome some time back, and the plugin is severely broken (as in non-functional) under the bog-standard Chromium (32 *and* 64-bit clients, at least on Linux).

No, just fanfiction on my GoogleDocs account, nothing mission-critical, before you start laughing.

Just hoping they don't decide to drop the 32-bit version any time soon.

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