Reply to post: Re: installed a jamming device ????

'Incommunicado' Assange anoints new WikiLeaks editor in chief

Ben Tasker

Re: installed a jamming device ????

You can't just jam "inside" the embassy easily as radio waves typically go through walls unless you've redecorated with a layer of tinfoil behind your new wallpaper. That'd make an "effective enough" faraday cage which would screw with a laptop or phone enough without actually inconveniencing people inside the embassy too much by stopping the use of wireless totally.

Want my guess?

I don't think they are jamming in the true sense of the word.

If you want to keep him off Pret's wifi, there's a far easier route. Get some CISCO (less extortionate brands are available) wifi access points and configure them to send disassociate packets for any SSID which isn't yours. Then don't let him on your own wifi.

Given large hotel chains used to do this at conferences, I don't see any reason why an Embassy wouldn't also consider it.

It wouldn't help with 3G/4G, but then the patchy coverage we get from the mobile telcos might be sufficient enough for that. Though, I guess you could run a Femto to provide connectivity in the embassy (overpowering the main signal) and strictly control what devices can associate to that.

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